14 September 2010

Normandie, Part Quatre

Mont St. Michel

Day 5 of the Normandy excursion was devoted to Mont St. Michel.  We got to sleep in a little, which was great since all the touring can be exhausting, and then we drove the 15 kilometers to the little island.  The island itself is strange because it’s not exactly surrounded by water.  When the tide goes out, it’s just sand all around it, so it’s kind of an interesting phenomenon to see how different it looks at various points in the day.  When we got there we had some time to browse through all the touristy shops before lunch.  Mont St. Michel is a huge tourist destination since it’s so unique, so there were tons of people there, making it difficult to walk through the narrow sidewalks.  I have a minor obsession with nautical stripes, and that seemed to be a theme since the island is in the Bay of St. Michel, so I had a great time shopping around.  I bought a sweater with, what else, stripes.  My love of stripes has also become kind of a running joke among the group.

After lunch we headed up to the top to tour the abbey.  It’s really an amazing technological feat that they were able to build this abbey on top of an island early in the 11th century, and it only took 60 years, which is apparently fast for buildings like this.  The view from the top is also cool because you can see Normandy and Bretagne (Brittany).  It was definitely one of the better tours I’ve had since the guide was animated and interesting, and she compared us with the people of the era that built the abbey.  She said that we’re no less intelligent, things are just different now, and back then they were building things to last for eternity.

We went back to our hotel for dinner again, and I sat at a table with a couple other girls and our bus driver Stephan and had so much fun.  We capped off the night with an episode of Jersey Shore (aka Les américains sur la plage) for a little reminder of home.

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